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The “Internal Complaints Committee” of Nur Mohammad Smriti Mahavidyalaya is constituted as per UGC Notification (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and Students in Higher Educational Institutions Regulation of 2015).  The Internal Complaints Committee provides comprehensive assistance against any complaint of sexual harassment at workplace. The following constitute sexual harassment under the said Act.
➤ Physical contact and advances; or
➤ A demand or request for sexual favours; or
➤ Making sexually coloured remarks; or
➤ Showing pornography; or
➤ Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct

Functions of ICC
➤ The ICC shall be responsible for the formal redressal of complaints of sexual harassment. It shall receive complaints, conduct time-bound enquiries and recommend disciplinary action, if any, in accordance with the rules and procedures laid down herein.
➤ The complaint will be kept confidential and justice will be given on the basis of the guideline given by Ministry of Women and Child Development, Sexual harassment at workplace rules, UGC Letter regarding ICC and Handbook on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace.
➤ In all cases of sexual harassment, the ICC shall maintain the anonymity of the appellant and provide resources to ensure the appellant’s safety.
➤ The ICC shall conduct awareness campaigns on what constitutes sexual harassment and means of redressal in order to prevent such incidents in the institution.
➤ The ICC is responsible for implementing the policy of Zero Tolerance towards Sexual Harassment in the institution.

Composition of Internal Complaint Committee (ICC)
➤ Prof. (Dr.) Rajesh Das (Principal; Chairman)
➤ Dr. Ishani Basu (Presiding Officer)
➤ Dr. Soma Bannerjee (Member)
➤ Mrs. Fatema Khatun (Member)
➤ Hasina Khatun (Member)
➤ Simran Ahmed (Student Nominee)
➤ External Member

ICC Regulation Hand Book

UGC(Prevention, Peohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and Students in Higher



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