Welcome to Nur Mohammad Smriti Mahavidyalaya** "Education is not the filling of a pail, but rather the lighting of a fire": W.B. Yeats


Common Guidelinefor the Employees of “Nur Mohammad SmritiMahavidyalaya”
  1. The aim of this Code of Conduct (henceforth referred to as the Code) is to provide all persons in service at the Nur Mohammad SmritiMahavidyalaya, with a common set of guidelines to promote professionalism.
  2. The College is an institution of higher learning. This Code is not only a list of duties, rights, or responsibilities, but also the institutional expectations from all stakeholders, in their efforts to maintain and promote its excellences in the academic field.
  3. The aim of this Code is to provide an idealatmosphere for teaching &learning within the scope of its mission and identity.
  4. The Code cannot be used to establish the service indiscipline, violation of code of conduct will be treated disciplinary action against any stakeholder.
  5. This Code applies to all stakeholders of the Mahavidyalaya and all stakeholders will respect and uphold the code for long tradition of service to humanity. In all professional matters, stakeholders are expected to be courteous to each other. Misunderstandings can easily be settled through discussion, without discord.
  6. Serious differences in opinion should be discussed and settled through the various administrative levels of the institution. Stakeholders will always maintain professionalism and civility in all matters relating to the growth of the institution.
  7. Unseemly quarrels are to be avoided, and in case of necessity, the grievance redressal procedures should be used.
  8. Stakeholders are urged to be sensitive to gender. They should encourage equal opportunities to all sections of society. The sense of absolute impartiality must be followed by all stakeholders.
  9. All stakeholders should associate amicably, in a spirit of toleranceand mutual respect. Hurtful statements, meant to injure the sentiments of fellow stakeholders, should be strictly abjured.
  10. The Institution is wholly committed to value educationthrough the imparting of quality learning, it’s aim to inculcate of such values which will lead to the creation of socially aware, responsible, and dutiful citizen.
  11. The institution is dedicated to caring for the environment - plastic free green campus. The Mahavidyalaya urges its stakeholders to promote cleanliness in the campus and its environments.
  12. Water is precious. It is expected from all stakeholders to avoid wasting water. It encourages rainwater harvesting, and water recycling. Insofar as they are able, all stakeholders should spread the message to save water.
Code of Conduct for Faculty Members
  • Faculty members should play their role with the standards and obligations as government employees. They are expected to fulfil their duties and responsibilities as per government regulations and guidelines.
  • Faculty members will not be engaged in active politics and participating in political activities that could hamper the teaching-learning process on campus.
  • Faculty members will not be engaged in private trade, (such as privatetuition classes) for personal financial gain.
  • Each Faculty member is expected to demonstrate integrity, uprightness, and complete honesty in their official duties.
  • Each Faculty member will be committedto be an educator as well as mentor to fulfil his/herresponsibilities impartially to the primary stakeholders, typically referring to the students.
  • A leave of absence must be formally requested and granted by the competent authority to be considered valid and legitimate.
  • Notification of Station Leave during vacations should be provided in advance of the intended leave period. This advance notice allows the competent authority to assess the credibility of the leave application.
  • Each Faculty member is expected to continuously update their knowledge and stay informed about innovative teaching methodologies within their discipline.
  • Every Faculty member is required to dedicate herself to fulfilling regular duties, including completing the syllabus, supervising examinations, evaluating assessments, and preparing results consistently.
  • Each Faculty member should be cognizant of the ratio of advanced and slower learners in their class and adapt their teaching methods accordingly.
  • Every Faculty member should practice self-control, offer mutual respect, and uphold dignity during the interaction with competent authorities, parents, guardians, primary stakeholders, non-teaching staff, or any other individuals seeking official interaction.
  • Every Faculty member should not be intimidated by negative propositions and must remain vigilant against provocation, enticement, or threats that may hinder the proper discharge of their duties.
  • If a Faculty member experiences any untoward event or instances of professional harassment, they have the right to seek resolution for their legitimate grievance by presenting their case to the relevant authority.
  • Every Faculty member must always keep the best interests of the institution where he/she serves as a top priority.
  • Any violation of the expected code of conduct for Every Faculty member can result in a "Show-Cause" notice issued by the competent authority. This notice typically requires the individual to provide an explanation or justification for their actions.
Campus Ethics for the Students
  • Students are required to maintain regular attendance in accordance with the regulations set by Kalyani University.
  • It is mandatory for all the students to check or monitor the notice boardson regular basis.
  • Engaging in any form of ragging is considered a punishable offense, and it is strictly prohibited both in the hostel and on the college premises. The college adheres to the UGC regulations for preventing and addressing the issue of ragging in higher education institutions, as mandated by Section 26(1)(g) of the UGC Act, 1956, under Order No. F.1-16/2007(CPP-II), dated 17th June, 2009. These regulations are in place to ensure the safety and well-being of students and to create a conducive and respectful learning environment.
  • Every student should carry their valid identity card in the college premises for all times. This policy is typically implemented to ensure the individuals identification, to enhance security and access control within the campus. It will help to maintain a safe and organized environment within the institution.
  • Students are expected to maintain their discipline and punctually of the College in their assigned classrooms according to the established schedule or routine. The objective of discipline is to create helpful attitude among the student communityto develop their potentialities, to promote a healthy relation between the teachers and students to preserve a peaceful academic atmosphere essential for study.
  • If a student is continuously absent for one month without any valid ground to both the Principal and the Department, his/her name will be automatically removed from the enrolment list. This is a common attendance policy to maintain accurate records and ensure the student’s active participation in their academic activities.
  • Every student is required to bring all the required textbooks and study materials to their classes. Carrying the regulation texts and study materials helps students engage effectively in classroom activities, discussions, and assignments, contributing to their overall academic success.
  • Students will follow the fundamental principle of academic integrity and honesty. The unfair activities or cheatingshould strictly prohibitedduring the participation at all levels in examinations.
  • Students will provide appropriate respect consistently to all employees and be addressed with courtesy. Interactions among peers should be friendly and impartial.
  • Any form of disruptive or discriminatory activities, including attempting to bring outsiders onto the campus without the Principal’s and Faculty's knowledge, may result in severe punitive actions, up to and including expulsion.
  • Students are strongly encouraged to follow the decorum and respect during interaction with administrative staff. This approach promotes a harmonious and constructive environment within the institution and helps address issues through appropriate channels. Violation of code of conduct will be applicable as punishable offence.
  • Loitering in the corridors during class hours and causing any form of disturbance in teaching and learning activities is strictly forbidden.
  • Students are advised to utilize their free time constructively by using of Common Room, Gym, library and Canteen facilities with proper discipline. Students are allowed to access the library facilities, but they are required to adhere to all the rules and regulations governing the library.
  • Consuming food and beverages outside of designated areas like the Canteens is not allowed, and littering the campus is subject to punitive measures.
  • It is advised to all the students to cultivate a sense of belonging and appreciation for their surroundings. They are always encouraged to make effective contribution to make environmentfriendly green campus.
  • The students organize various kinds of socio-religious functions and take part in the national festivals
  • The students are taught to be self-reliant, active and practical and are encouraged to build-up a sense of social obligation and responsibility.
  • Smoking or any sort of addiction is strictly prohibited within the campus.
  • Apart from daily academic activities, it is expected from the students to participate in different co-curricular activities like NCC/NSS. Social service, cultural programme, sports etc. organized by the institution.



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